iTunes Tips and Tricks
iTunes is the media management software that you use on your computer (including Mac and Windows) to organize files such as music between all your devices. It is very powerful and has a lot of functionality. If you don't yet have it you can download it. If you want to add music or files to your iTunes check this out. We have some other secret tips for your iPhone as well.
If you are used to the old static sidebar, you can access it by using 'Command + Option + S'.
You can move either backwards or forward within a song by pressing 'ctrl + Right Arrow Key' or 'ctrl + Left Arrow Key'
To go to the previous page in the iTunes Store, simply tap the left bracket key ([). Similarly, to go to the next page, tap the right bracket key (]).
Press 'ctrl + R'
To hide all other applications, press “ctrl + H + Shift”